In common parlance the term "anxiety" is often used improperly, referring to general conditions of apprehension, nervousness and stress, so common in everyday life, that have nothing to do with the psychiatric disorder true and right.

The pathological anxiety is not a simple transitional discomfort, but an abnormal reaction that interferes seriously with the psycho-intellectual performance, preventing to fix your mind on issues and specific situations and process them, limiting the ability to do usual activities.
Some useful tips on how to get out of depression without drugs. 
by Okpara Kingsley

Depression means to be deprived of one's life energy, physical and mental strength. Getting out of depression is an easy task, nor can it be considered a short road, but definitely not impossible. The secret to get out of depression is to move in small steps, do the not too big plans. Feeling better takes time, but you can if you make positive choices for yourself every day.
Removing stretch marks permanently, especially the white ones is very difficult. stretch marks are in fact comparable to the skin lesions and scars formed in various areas of the body (hips, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, breasts, arms) as a result of a significant loss of tissue elasticity, in their initial form they appear in color pink or red and then become white in their final phase.
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