Everybody aspires to be excellent in their academics, but not all can attain such expectation. Why? It’s because the key to excellence is not appropriately applied.
            “Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude” by Ralph Marston
Excellence in academics is not achieved only by going for any special training or class, it is a prevailing attitude. It’s never an accident; it’s just your habit. It’s a way of life, your lifestyle, your manner. EXCELLENCE is a virtue in you.
Apply these daily principles of excellence if you really want to excel
X-ray your weaknesses and work on them.
Curiosity (I must know).
Enterprising (don’t limit yourself to a particular method of reading habit).
Learn to plan and act fast on it.
Labour daily and continuously until you reach your desired goal.
Educate others on what you know.
Never associate with visionless friends.
Courage! Be courageous and self-confidence.
Encourage yourself always

The first step to EXCELLENCE is to believe you can. What you believe is what you become 
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