6 Most Powerful Natural Remedies to Stretch Marks

Removing stretch marks permanently, especially the white ones is very difficult. stretch marks are in fact comparable to the skin lesions and scars formed in various areas of the body (hips, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, breasts, arms) as a result of a significant loss of tissue elasticity, in their initial form they appear in color pink or red and then become white in their final phase.

The underlying causes are many and are mainly attributed to rapid changes in weight, due to diets, pregnancy, genetic and hormonal factors. Despite this, however, there are some natural remedies that can help prevent or improve this unpleasant skin imperfection.
To combat stretch marks, first of all you have to work on your body to restore the skin to be more elastic and toned as possible. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and consumption of vitamin C and E, already represent a valid starting point in the fight against stretch marks. The best solution is to prevent stretch marks:

Let's see in detail what’s are the main natural remedies to prevent or mitigate the much hated stretch marks:
1. Shea butter
The pure Shea butter or diluted in a little water is one of the most effective natural remedies to solve the problem of unsightly stretch marks. This particular butter, in fact, applied in a consistent manner (the ideal is to massage it on the body just after the shower) gives elasticity, firmness and tone to the skin, thus diminishing stretch marks. Shea butter is readily commercially available, in perfumery and in health food: before you buy, though, carefully read the label of ingredients and make sure it is a natural product without chemical additives. 

2. Argan Oil
Another natural remedy among the most used against stretch marks and great beauty ally in general is the Argan oil. This precious oil, of Moroccan origin, is derived from the seeds of the Argania Spinosa and has antioxidant properties, nutrients and healing. The only disadvantage of Argan oil (pure) is that is sold in small bottles at a fairly high cost. If your budget is limited, you can also decide to create your oil "anti-stretch marks personalized". The important thing is that, to get the maximum benefit, a prolonged massage application of the product will help:  the oil must be completely absorbed by the skin.

3. Aloe Vera Gel
Thanks to its moisturizing and soothing properties, Aloe Vera is an excellent natural remedy for stretch marks. The gel formulation also makes the absorption and hence much faster even easier its application on the whole body. The benefits of Aloe Vera are many: you will notice over time more tone, firmness, skin hydration and radiance with considerable attenuation of stretch marks. With the bleak real you can also carry out a delicate scrub, perfect for your face or to exfoliate the skin during the summer without removing your tan.
4. Wraps and mask coffee
Coffee, thanks to the draining-inflammatory properties and caffeine contained in it, is indeed another great natural remedy and readily available to mitigate stretch marks. Just mix coffee grounds with a little 'of warm water and apply directly to the affected areas.

5. Lemon juice
As mentioned previously, vitamin C plays an important role in the battle against Stretch Marks. In addition to consuming daily juices made from citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits or you can add to your favorite centrifuges), you should also take good habit to keep a bit 'of their precious juice and use it as anti-stretch marks natural remedy. The most suitable citrus for this kind of action is absolutely the lemon: the spread of pure lemon juice and undiluted on dry skin and leave on for 10 minutes. With this act every day, you will see that in a very short time you will get a clear improvement in overall skin and stretch marks.
6. Mask with calendula
Another excellent natural remedy to rejuvenate the skin and reduce stretch marks is to prepare a mask based on calendula and oats homemade. The marigold extract is rich in flavonoids and helps cell renewal, while oats, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, helps to deflate and drain fluids in tissues giving compactness and homogeneity to the skin.
The recipe of the mask with calendula is very easy and fast to build: 10 drops of oil calendula, 1 tablespoon of flour 1 tablespoon of oats and yogurt or milk.

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