9 dead, others injured in shooting between biker gangs at local restaurant

Police have reported multiple fatalities during a shooting between biker gangs in the parking lot between Twin Peaks and Don Carlos restaurants in the Central Texas Marketplace in Waco.

Police on scene confirm the shooting started about 12:15 p.m. Sunday afternoon and involved at least two biker gangs. The shooting reportedly started after an argument inside Twin Peaks escalated to the parking lot. Police say restaurant management had been aware that the gangs went to their restaurant.

There were multiple fatalities and injuries reported, but no word yet on the exact number or condition of those wounded. A witness on scene said she saw at least two bodies under sheets. No police officers were reported injured during the shooting.

Multiple law enforcement agencies have been called to assist. Medical personnel from as far away as Limestone County are being called to the scene.

Nearby restaurants Don Carlos and Twin Peaks were locked down for a time and later cleared.

Witnesses also tell News Channel 25 that people who are in the area cannot leave, and police are not letting people into the area either because it is not safe.

source:police respond to shooting between biker gangs at restaurant
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