Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shapes, quantity and arrangement. It is a subject that involves a lot of calculations and thinking. It is a subject that is around us in everything we do.  Mathematics is the building block for everything in our daily live including mobile devices we use nowadays, architecture, Art, Money, Engineering and sport.
This is irrespective of your discipline as a literate person. Whether you are a Medical Doctor, a Nurse, a Lawyer, Accountant, a Pilot etc you need mathematics. Similarly, the artisans  – farmers, hunters, market men and women who are into buying and selling of goods, fashion designers make use of mathematics.
Mathematics has been at the forefront of every civilized society and the need for mathematics arose based on the wants of the society. The more complex a society, the more complex the mathematical needs.
Today, mathematics is not only relevant, it is crucial.


  1.             Unqualified Mathematics teacher: teaching mathematics is hierarchical. topics in mathematics are interwoven, one topic leads to another. New knowledge is often based on the topics already treated by the teacher with the students. This is the genesis of previous knowledge while writing lesson note/plan to teach the students. It is a big problem if students do not have the knowledge that is pre-requisite for acquiring new topics.
  2.      .      Distraction: there are students who started very well but do poorly later. it was a result of distraction. Hatred, the fear of mathematics, lack of reading culture, too much inclination to social life and unserious peer group are enemies of brilliance in mathematics.
  3.     .       Absenteeism: Absence of the students from the class can lead to low achievement in mathematics. It is often difficult for them to cope if students miss Mathematics classes.

    4.      Societal Impression: A notable enemy of mathematics is the society itself – when the society gives you the impression that mathematics is a subject for people with high IQ. you begin to have that mindset . Some people will shout and begin to view you as if you are more than human when they discover that you have masters, doctorate degree or a professor of mathematics. Such attitude does not allow the right atmosphere for conquest in mathematics.

Mathematics is a simple and interesting subject that any student who wants to attain height in life will not treat with levity.

  • Mathematics is a powerful way of communicating. The language of mathematics is international and exceeds national or cultural boundaries. students learn to explore and explain their ideas using universal symbols, common diagram and spoken/ written languages.
  • Mathematics introduces students to concepts, skills and way of thinking that are important in their everyday lives. It helps then to understand the sense of numbers, patterns and shapes they see around them.
  • Mathematics is a product of the human mind. It is more than solving questions in algebra, geometry, statistics, probability and calculus. Mathematics is a way of thinking. As a way of thinking, it gives an insight into the power of the human mind and forms a crucial discipline of teaching – learning programmes of school subjects everywhere in the world.
  • Mathematics is the gate and key to science. It perfects all sciences.
  • Another important advantage of mathematics is that if you are very good at it, you will easily study and understand other subjects yourself.
  • Every human being whose Generic name is ‘Homo’ and specific name is ‘sapiens’ need mathematics. The reason is simple. The study of some subject combinations leads to certain profession. For instance to become a Nurse, you need Chemistry, Biology, Physics and others
To become a pilot you need Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Mathematics etc. there is an element of mathematics in each of those subject combinations that leads to certain profession. Everybody in this world needs money irrespective of your profession, where there is money, there must be calculation and mathematics is all about calculation.
Thus, it is important and compulsory to learn mathematics today, otherwise, you will be forced by circumstances to learn it later in life. By then, it will be too late to get immediate result for the intended purpose.

The first person that gingers your love for mathematics is the teacher.
1.      Mathematics calls for patience, a lot of patience. you cannot lie down and practice mathematics the way you read History or Novel. You have to practice very well. You can attempt one question five or more times before getting the answer. You have to discover how to tackle the question given. That is the nature of the subject.
2.      Liaise with your colleagues that are good at mathematics to assist you to explain further.
3.      Avoid cramming, study well and practice more exercises in mathematics textbooks, do your assignment regularly and do not copy it from your friends.
4.      Endeavour  to buy good and suitable textbooks in mathematics
5.      Engage you mathematics teacher for assistance where necessary. The teachers have to do their best to Assist the students to have sound foundation in Mathematics
6.      Provide the students with immediate feedback. It does not help students to have their work/assignment returned a few weeks after a lesson has been completed. Students do make progress in mathematics only if they know immediately what mistakes they make and which topics they should work upon.

                        I urge every student to try the above suggestion to the later and you will be the next mathematician.
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