Hesitation is a state in which one is unable to make a choice when with two or more alternatives. One is incapable of deciding which of these alternatives to choose. One stands between two or more opinions, meanwhile, time which waits for no one passes on. In this way, the man in hesitation wastes his time. He is the opposite of man of action.
Every reasonable human being hesitates. But some hesitates more than others. There are people who cannot make a simple decision of their own as they always hesitate.

The character trait known as hesitation is more in human beings than animals. This is perhaps due to the fact that human beings like to reason in every situation before making a choice. Human beings do not like to have the second best; they want to have the best. They try to weigh the merits and demerits of every possible choice before they make up their mind.
Animals and very foolish people, simple creatures as they are, do not reason before they take a decision. They, therefore, do not hesitate, for hesitation is the outcome of reasoning. They just take one way and start to work on it without a second thought on other alternative ways. If you ask the foolish people whether they have made the right choice they give simple answer, “One way is as good as the other”. They are the same thing or “I do not know”. They are never aware of the true nature of things and therefore cannot ascertain what possible losses or gains their present decision will involve.
Choice and hesitation always go together. Whenever we have difficult choice to make, hesitation comes to greet us. Hesitation can be very dangerous and unending if the reasoning faculty is weak. When this is the case, the more we think, the more we approach the fairyland. We then seem unreal.
Hesitation is golden if it brings advantages. Without it one may make very poor choice. Often, hesitation leads to benefits which are more valued than the time used in it. Those who refuse to hesitate sometimes make grievous mistakes which take away their happiness.
In conclusion, we say that hesitation is an offshoot of reasoning. It is therefore necessary before taking important decisions. On the other hand, prolonged or unending hesitation does more harm than good.

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