Nigeria university enters Guinness Book

The American University of Nigeria has succeeded in making it to the Guinness World Record by holding the record for the most people crocheting simultaneously.

This development was confirmed in an online message posted by the GWR online team.

 On August 24, 2015, 485 people in recorded 20 minutes of simultaneous crocheting, beating the previous record holder consisting of 426 people in New York, who did the same for 15 minutes in 2010.

 The needlework carried out by the AUN students was planned to coincide with Earth Day, to sensitize residents of Yola - the Adamawa State capital and seat of AUN–about the hazards of non-biodegradable litter.


 To reiterate this, the crocheters made use of “plarn," a yarn hat has been developed from used shopping bags which litter the countryside.

 “ In the light of negative news coming from the northeast, whenever the story of tenacity and togetherness is told, your achievement today will be a reference. This is what your sense of togetherness, teamwork, and can-do-it spirit has made possible, ” said the Chief Information Officer, AVP Julius Ayuk Tabe.

 Ms Che, one of the organizers of this feat, said, "It is our hope, that this event will raise awareness on how recycling our products, in this case, plarn, can keep the environment clean and healthy, but as well provide an income for the needy in the community. ”

 University President, Margee Ensign, said “ Congratulations to everyone involved in this splendid world record! ”
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