Donald Trump’s face ‘FOUND ON MARS’

A CARVING of what appears to be Donald Trump’s face has been discovered on Mars, with conspiracy theorists questioning whether it is an omen for who the aliens want as President of the United States.

An eagle-eyed alien chaser, who usually seeks out signs of alien life in NASA images of the Red Planet beamed back by the rover droids which prowl the surface, spotted the freaky face complete with the business tycoon's trademark barnet today.
Scott C Waring, who made the amusing discovery, blogged: "I have found Trump's face on Mars in an Opportunity rover photo.
"The face, nose and hair looked so much like Trumps that I had to share it with you.
"The photo below has his face super imposed upon the rock so that you can see the incredible detail.

It led him to speculate if Trump could be an alien...well last year there were claims hishelicopter was being followed by a UFO.
Mr Waring added: "Is this a symbol of an alien in the Mars culture that had power and that cause the people of this planet to feel empowered, enough to make his face permanently in the scenery.
"Is this a sign that Trump is an alien, or descended from the aliens on Mars? Possibly.
"He does seem to have a magical power in his voice that causes mass hysteria and loyalty."

Donald Trump joins a long list of unusual discoveries found on Mars, including a statue of incumbent president Barack Obama, and even Elvis.
There have also been a host of other so-called discoveries, including various animals, fossils, ancient ruins, and even alien beings.
Of course, while the alien hunters who find them hope they are proof of ET life, the truth is they are likely to just be the results of pareidolia whe the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects or shapes in patterns or textures such as clouds or rock surfaces.
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