First Lady refused to park out of Aso Rock

Dame Patience, the wife of President Goodluck Jonathan who lost to the  opponent seems to be finding it hard to conceed defects in the March 28 election and refused to admits that the election is over for her.

In an Interview with FNN, she stated categorically that she was not going to pack her bags out of Aso Rock Until The Elections for First Lady are conducted. She seemed to believe that the Presidential Elections excluded First Ladies, and that she would run against Aisha Buhari in a different election.

FNN; Good day Ma
DAME PATIENCE: Good day my pikin
FNN: How have you been holding up since your husband conceded victory to General Buhari?
DAME PATIENCE: I am alright
FNN: Really?
DAME PATIENCE: Yes na. It’s Jona that lose, not me?
FNN: I…………don’t understand ma
DAME PATIENCE: Is Jona that lose. My own eleshun never happen yet
FNN: What election?
DAME PATIENCE: Furst Lady Eleshun
FNN: Wait, what??!
DAME PATIENCE: Yes o. Buhari can defeat Jona, but Aisha cannot defeat me. My Gid will not allow it
FNN: Ma there is no such thing as First Lady Ele…..
DAME PATIENCE: Wee You Keep Kwayet
FNN: Sorry Ma
DAME PATIENCE: I have already print poster finish.
FNN: Wow
DAME PATIENCE: Yess o. Tell your readers dem to vote me o. They should put hand on Umblerra
FNN: Uhm Yes Ma

At this point she showed us her posters and we realized she was serious.
I won't park out of aso rock. dame patience
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