Vietnam calls to make haste on TPP agreement

Vetnam National Assembly vice chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan called for a prompt signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, describing it as a crucial step toward an elevated Asian- Pacific nexus.

Ngan made the request at meetings with US senators and representatives during her 10-day working visit to the US, which wrapped up on Tuesday.

At meetings, fields of common interest were discussed such as TPP negotiations, regional peace and marine security maintenance.

The Vietnamese leader spoke highly of the support of US legislators and businesses in promoting relations between Vietnam and the US, declaring that Vietnam has always wished for result-orientated and comprehensive cooperation with the country.

She asked the US National Security Council (NSC) and two foreign ministries to increase visits of high-ranking politicians and diplomats in the time to come.

US legislators and officials spoke of Ngan's visit, which marked the 20th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, as a move that will further promote bilateral relations.

They highlighted Vietnam's increasingly significant role in the global arena, which has left a significant impression on international players.

During the visit, Ngan attended the 5th Vietnam Executive Leadership Programme at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts.

There she joined in working sessions with professors, experts, jurists and scholars from the university and other countries to analyse risks confronting economies in the world and regional recovery processes.

Vice chairwoman Ngan met with judges of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to learn about the US judicial system.

She also met with representatives from the Association of Vietnamese Youth and Students in the US and scholars from the group Vietnam Initiativewho are working to contribute to Viet Nam's development.

In Boston, Ngan also visited the Omni Parker House where the late president Ho Chi Minh worked from 1912-1913.
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